Sculpt – Lucas Pina – Limited edition 403 units
Painting and video – Aythami Alonso
- How the idea was born
I will tell you how through Antonio García Villarán’s YouTube ART channel I began to experiment playing with the aggressiveness in the stroke and the discoveries I made. I will propose an interesting exercise for you to practice at home.
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- Painting the skin
We will see how to achieve a skin full of life and nuances playing with the hues creating an interesting harmony and color atmosphere. In the end I will detail the secrets for painting faces with a high level of detail.
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- Painting the white beard
I will teach you how to create transparencies on the beard and make it realistic. The nuances of color will make the beard gain in chromatic and narrative richness.
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- Fabrics – Wet blending technique
We will paint a fabric creating interesting shapes with the wet blending technique. Try various elements such as soap and experiment with the stokes.
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- Metals
I will teach you how to paint the helmet and the ornaments by replicating shines that affect the surrounding areas.
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- Sheep and hidden details
We will paint the sheep creating an atmosphere of color and other details such as the bottle of wine.
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Wow! I think this is the best face rendering you have done.
Thanks a lot David!
i love this, a lot of new ideas to explore!
Thanks Khian! Exploring is the best way to improve
So, couple of questions. How long do you keep your pallet before it needs to be replaced? With the mixing of colors, I’m replacing my pallet every session and “re-mixing” my colors and was just curious how long you wait.
On that same note, my pallet isn’t nearly as complex as yours, but with my experiments, I’ve noticed that even though the colors I re-mix may not be perfect, it almost doesn’t matter. What I mean is, if I have a bluish green with a yellow highlight, I’ve noticed that as long as they “have the same feeling,” it still all fits. When you redo your pallet, does skill/practice make it easier to match the colors or do not worry to much about getting exactly right.
Hi James,
Happens the same to me. I live in Cádiz, south of Spain, and its very hot so my palette dries quickly. But even in winter i have the same problem. Few things to point out. Put it in the fridge. Also ive got used to work with the consistency of the colors when the palette dries, or not necessary dries but loses thickness. When it loses its elasticity and proprieties you have two options. Create again the mixes as you say, or get used to paint in a differwnt way. It’s learning again how the paint moves with this “watery” feeling. I do this sometimes, when im trully focused in finishing some part. But a correct solution is creating a new one. Also you are right about color. Is not about getting the exact tone but having one similar that can match with the mood of the piece. Sometimes even having little variarions of tones gives character to the work.
Very helpful to know that information (fridge info and ability to keep using pallet). Thank you for the tutorials and thank you for answering my questions.