The Gatekeeper by Nocturna Models
54mm scale
Sculpted by Pedro Fernández Ramos
Painted by Aythami Alonso Torrent
Plinths with 10€ discount of CrazyWenky
- Introduction
With the inspiration section of the month
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- Preparation, composition rules and terrain
In this section we will see in detail how to prepare the figure and choose a pose with strength. I will tell you about the rule of “thirds” to bring balance to our scene and photos. And we will think a good story to express something more than technique with the figure.
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- Light study
We will study of all the possible sources of light that affect us and how to represent them in our works. We will learn to bring drama and an attractive light into the most important process of the project.
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- Skin color
This time we will talk more about color. Now the balance is at 75% light and 25% color in importance. We will study the great artists to learn what areas they saturate and how they use color.
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- How to paint the face
In this extensive video I will show you how to paint the face with two sources of light, one from the sun and the other from the snowy mountains and blue sky. We will see the importance of the micro-details and the saturation in medium tone.
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- How to paint the torso
We continue advancing in the skin getting more tones. We will see the importance of deciding for a bluish green or a yellowish green depending on the warmness we want. We will give drama with the choice of lights.
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- How to paint a non-metal metal
I explain how to make a non-metal metal in a very simple way based on scratches to unify. We will place tones respecting the complementary, playing with the temperature and with two distinguishable light sources that give an interesting touch.
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- How to paint the red cloth (different method) and the sword
We will paint the red fabric in a completely different way than usual. We will focus on studying the amazing work of Alberto Moretó to learn how to make pointing glazes and paint the reflections of the environment in the metal.
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- How to paint the icy terrain
We learn to create ice to paint the terrain. We will create stalactites in a very simple way
Another great set of videos! Thanks for all the insights.
Thanks a lot Thomas! Glad you like them
So glad I found this site, excellent teaching. So helpful the way you walk thorough it. It mind blowing
Thanks a lot mate! I put a lot of effort on learning how to transmit the knowledge. Happy to have you here
When you add the orange/turquoise it’s only on the highlights but not the max light, right? And not over entire highlight?
Exactly. Is a small filter to give tone to that area. max highlights are barely touched so they can still look powerfull with high value. But, as always, experiment. It wouldn’t be wrong if you also add this filter to max HL and watch the result, maybe you obtain a more interesting atmosphere.
Perfect, trying analogus color scheme, weathering, want some saturation, interest, ambience to the piece. Before I was trying to mix in the orange and yellow into the colors and it was just muddy. Thanks!