Misericordia – Pedro Fernandez Works
Sculpted by: Pedro Fernández Ramos
Painted by: Aythami Alonso Torrent
Plinths with 10€ discount of CrazyWenky
- Inspiration
In this introductory video I will tell you how Alfonso Giraldez Banshee inspired me with two phrases “change to a bigger palette” and “do not use references to paint in a more creative way”
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- Preparation and new paints
We will pre-illuminate the figure and I will show you the characteristics and the comparative prices with other brands of the vinyl acrylic Maimeri Polycolor paints.
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- Coming out of the comfort zone – right side of the face
In this extensive video I will tell you about my particular adventure doing mixtures starting only from the Maimeri primaries and without references. How I worked until I got used to them. I will tell you the particularities of the projected shadow and its internal color depending on the angles of light. We will see how revealing and satisfying it is to make your own mixes, not without much effort before.
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- Living out of the comfort zone – warm side of the Face
I will show you how, based on trial and error, we recreate the features we have in mind. We analyze the triangle of Rembrandt being rational using our own knowledge and we will finish the face in a 95%.
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- How to paint white with creativity
If I could choose a painting process in which I realized 100% that I would never make mixes without the primaries, was this one. The power to have at your disposal an infinity of colors will make you see how they can be integrated tone after tone to get a white rich in nuances full of reflections.
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- Painting Leather
I show you a way of painting leather full of textures and vibrancy playing with the temperatures. Only using the primary colors for mixes, mind-changing exercise
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- How to create raindrops
I show you an easy way to create raindrops. Even if im not totally satisfied you can recreate this effect on any project.
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This piece is amazing in its beauty. You have really pushed yourself and it is so rewarding to watch you growing from strength to strength as an artist. Very inspirational, thank you for making these videos.
Thanks a lot Carl! I love shearing my adventure on learning how to paint better and hoping that it helps.
Amazing work yet again. Thank you for sharing some very useful and insight into painting white cloth. What would you change or add if you were painting white armour rather than cloth?
Thanks a lot Brennan!
Well, for a white armor you have to change things like the stroke. No more wrinkles, only shines, a lot of shines. Pay attention to the position of the Light and shape. And more reflections of the environment cause of the characteristics of the metal. Study light, watch the rebounding. Color could change a bit adding more contrast cause of the material. More strong shadows and little max lights.
Hope it helps