The wooden floor is from the boat of “New Way” project.
Take plasticard and mark the wood planks. Then prime it and paint the woodgrains with an old brush, drybrushing with first color (English Uniform).
Do the same with the second color, red leather. The clue here is to recreate with the brush big woodgrains. Then you will unify all.

Same here with ocre yellow.

Now you glaze with watered paint to unify the woodgrains. Make a color differentiation between each wood prank. You can see that ones are darker than others.
Glaze with english uniform, red leather, black, etc, until you are satisfied with the result.

Once I unified it I noticed that they were missing some clearer woodgrains. I paint them with ocre yellow.

The wood is to dark so i give another glaze of brown tones and unify the smaller wood grains of the previous stage.

In the end, I paint some pranks with a very diluted black.
Thats it!
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