Trailer: Germanic Warrior and PanO fusilier
- How to paint the base and place the figure correctly in a composition:
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It is a video of 6 minutes where I explain different rules and visual aids such as the quadrants and vertices to create a balanced composition as well as creating the terrain of stones and ferns. Thanks to my teachers Piqui and JJ for their incredible books where they explain it in more detail.
- How to paint a face and skin with realism:
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In this 20 minute video I explain how to approach a skin in the most realistic way possible, putting an infinity of tones of pink, red, brown and green. I use a new technique to me that’s sketching roughly with various colors and then unify with the airbrush instead of with brush. The result is very smooth. I also focus on the face and how to enhance facial expressions as well as eyes, etc.
- How to paint Silver and Gold with non-metallic-metal mixed with true metal:
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In these 8 minutes I show how to apply this technique for the silver color. I sketch with matte colors creating a non-metallic-metal and when I have this I apply a thin layer of metallic pigment to the base giving it that characteristic shine. What this technique allows you is to see the previous work under the layer of metallic pigment. I also paint the color Gold but this time with real metals and inks. Finally I paint the sword with airbrush creating several contrasts depending on the blade and reflecting the glitter of the forest.
- How to create an airbrush stipple texture:
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It is a short video of about 3 and a half minutes where I show how to handle the airbrush to get the paint sprayed creating perfect dots to give texture to the fabric without the need of a brush stroke. I finish painting the pants with a greenish tone.
- How to paint leather with cracked citadel effect:
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In this 6-minute video I explain how to apply this citadel technical product to create the cracking effect. I give tones and other stuff until I reach the leather color I want. This effect exploits the realistic looking of the figure to the maximum. In the end I explain how to paint the hair of the coat.
Hope you enjoy and learn. Ask any doubts you have.
Aythami Alonso
In the skin painting video you said one of the colors you used was blue green, but the front of the label was away from the camera. Was it 70.808 or was it a different color? By the way very impressed with the results on my first try using this method.
Just check it up. Is emerald 70838. Glad they are being useful! send me a pic on Facebook to see the progress if you want 😉