Trailer: PanO fusilier and Germanic Warrior
How to paint a 28 mm face as if it was a bust:
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In this 27 minute video-tutorial I explain in detail where to position lights and shadows correctly. With visual examples and schematics. I focus on each part of the face like the nose and the shading of the fins and their reddish or the beard tinged with greenish tones to contrast, also how to paint the eyes on this small scale, etc. In the end I put a subtle green light source on the left side of the face.
How to paint an armor in non-metallic-metal and 3 light sources:
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This is a 27 minute video-tutorial were I explain how to apply the technique of non-metallic-metal on the armor following the rule of creating great contrasts. Always sketching and unifying later. I get a risk putting three lights in it. One cold and two warm plus the reflection of the terrain.
I hope you learn a lot and ask any questions you have.
Written by José:
El rojo es puro o mezclado con algun color?
Yo solamente estoy conseguindo acezar los videos en ingles, en español me viene un mensaje de error.
Answer from Aythami Alonso Admin of NotOriginalMinis:
Hola Fabricio,
Acabo de leer tu mensaje. En un momento te lo solucionamos y te damos acceso a los video-tutoriales en Español.
El rojo de la boina es puro. De scale 75, rojo antares. Las luces son mezclando este rojo con un color carne.
Estamos haciendo un cambio en las DNS de la web. Esto puede tardar de 1 hora hasta 24 horas desde que hemos dado la orden.
Tu usuario esta cambiado y deberias de ser capaz de ver los videos en Español en ese intervalo de tiempo.
Espero que los veas cuanto antes y sentimos las molestias.
Otro abrazo para ti!
Aythami Alonso
Hi Aythami! Can you do another NMM fantasy armour like the one above, but show us all the paint you use, and all the consistency? you kind of explain it above but i cannot totally follow. In your newer videos where you show the paint consistency for each step, i think that is really great
Sure! This video was one of the firsts so it has less quality than new ones. Sorry for that.
For example you have NMM on the axe video, on the sword of the Savage Beauty. But still, not in a 28mm. I will think about a little figure to make a video. Do you have anyone in mind?
^ This! Would be very useful to have the paint steps explained a little more!
Yes, you are totally right. You have to forgive me, was one of the first videos so I did´t knew a lot of things I know now 😉 check the Valder 32mm video if you want a small figure tut. My intention is to do another one of Infinity on the future
USA or German world war 2 28mm. Thanks