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- Introduction
I resume what we will see in the following videos and the process of thinking, creativity and decisions to solve many problems we had.
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- Dragon and light sources
I will explain how to paint the skin of the dragon in 3 simple steps and to study the light sources by the hand of the fantastic book Light and Color, by James Gurney, recommended by our subscriber Peter Carr and how that will affect us when it comes to seeing the world of the miniatures. A new world opens for us.
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- Scales
I tell you how to paint the scales and be aware of the reflections of the environment and how they affect the surfaces.
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- Samurai - Black armor
We study the black color with several examples. We see that it is reflected by many other sources of light with colors that never make it "pure" black.
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- Terrain
In a few simple steps we paint the ground with pigments and playing with dark colors to create contrast.
Lovely to see something more fantastical and allows you to change up the painting techniques and especially the dragons colour pallete (the green to blue transition and scales)!
Thanks Hashqas! was indeed a difficult color decision but the result fits well with our ideas of a “real” dragon