- How to paint the face and skin of a Hindu woman (Divided into two parts)
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In this first video of 25 minutes I explain how to get a tone of brown skin based on washes, starting with the technique of sketching. I tell you the importance of having examples to copy and frame the different facial features that have a face to make it as realistic as possible, sculpting with paint those that the figure does not have. I show you how to go from zone to zone of the face, painting for example the most exact nose and some tricks for it. In the end we talk about some tips that you will surely put into practice in your next figures, like all objects reflect their own light and this affects neighboring objects. I will teach you to give those kind of subtle lights.
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In the second part of 22 minutes we continue with the face until finishing it. I teach you the importance of the look and how to make an eye step by step. We will see other useful tips that you will put into practice like putting lunars to her, to change the tone of skin, to give points of light and to return to the subject of the reflexes.
- How to paint a Hindu dress (Sari)
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It is 34 minutes where I explain how to paint red in my own way, first sketching with white so that it gets strength. I tell the reason for this and other tips on using the white as a base to illuminate the colors above. We put micro wrinkles to make those layers and cylindrical fabrics more realistic. I also explain in detail the transparencies. At the end I tell you how to make a freehand, gems, etc.
- How to paint the face and skin of a Hindu man
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Video of 21 minutes where I tell how to make skin darker and give it texture with hair and veins. We also see the eyes step by step.
- How to paint the trousers, leathers and other materials of the Hindu man
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It's 18 minutes in which I tell you how I approached the issue of the pants and the decisions I take so that he did not take protagonism from the girl. At the same time, putting a freehand and transparencies. A new way to make clear leather and how to paint the metals.
- How to create and compose the entire scene by making arches, doors, etc. (Divided into two parts)
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In this video of 27 minutes I tell you the odyssey to assemble and create the whole scene, from the doors made with putty seals to the ornamentation of the arches and columns. I am speaking of composition of scenes, vertices, position of feet, intentionality, etc. Lots of putty and dirty hands.
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In the second part of the video of 21 minutes I explain how I painted the whole scene giving texture and sheltering. I tell how to make marble and point with the airbrush.
It has been a challenge to recreate this scene of conquest (and jealousy of the cockatoo). I hope you enjoy the process and comment anything you want.
Aythami Alonso
Very nice figure. I really like your style of painting. Were can I purchase the female figure what size is the figure? Thank you very much
Figura muy agradable. Me gusta su estilo de pintura. Fueron puedo comprar la figura femenina ¿de qué tamaño es la figura? Muchas Gracias
Thanks Andrew! 75mm
Here you can buy it http://altores.com